Artistes - Éric Cénat, Claire Vidoni
Secrétariat générale - Morgane Nory
Attachée de production - Clémence Grenat
64 Quai des Augustins - 45100 Orléans
Compagnie itinérante
portée par la Région Centre - Val de Loire, subventionnée par la DRAC, le Département du Loiret et la Ville d'Orléans
Créé en 1986 par Éric Cénat, Le Théâtre de l'Imprévu affirme sa démarche artistique en lui donnant une ligne autour des mots, ceux qui donnent du sens et nous inscrivent dans le temps et l'espace. Grâce à eux, nous explorons notre passé, appréhendons notre présent et réfléchissons à notre avenir au travers de nos créations et actions culturelles.
The Theater of the Unexpected in Germany...
5 performances of the showThe Loves of Jacques the Fatalist
at the Theater in Bornheim in Frankfurt.
1 performance of the showBoris and Bobyin Hamburg.
5 performances of the showBoris and Bobyin Hamburg, Bremen, Kiel, Dersau and Rostock.
5 performances of the showBoris and Bobyin Bremen, Nordestedt, Kühlungsborn, Stralsund and Teterow.
During these stays in Germany, Éric Cénat intervened on several occasions in Theater Masters classes with high school students, but also in the context of training courses for French teachers.
Return of the French teacher, Madame Dorgère on the stage-theatre at the French high school in Hamburg:
On Monday November 14 and Tuesday November 15, 2005, Éric Cénat led a two-day theater workshop at the French High School in Hamburg, with 27 1st year students divided into two groups.
The results were very positive :
The students appreciated the relaxed and confident atmosphere that Éric Cénat was able to establish in the groups. This experience allowed them, through various activities, to approach the basics of theatrical acting, but also to confront new situations that required attention, concentration, listening and self-control.
They became aware of the importance of these qualities which are also required in the school and social context.
Some pupils were also able to reveal to others and to themselves facets that they did not suspect and thus modify their relationship to the group-class.
It is therefore a very positive experience which, through the pleasure and the mirror effect of the theatrical performance, has enabled the teenagers to deepen their knowledge of themselves.