Artistes - Éric Cénat, Claire Vidoni
Secrétariat général - Morgane Nory
Attachée de production - Clémence Grenat
64 Quai des Augustins - 45100 Orléans
Compagnie itinérante
portée par la Région Centre - Val de Loire, subventionnée par la DRAC, le Département du Loiret et la Ville d'Orléans
Créé en 1986 par Éric Cénat, Le Théâtre de l'Imprévu affirme sa démarche artistique en lui donnant une ligne autour des mots, ceux qui donnent du sens et nous inscrivent dans le temps et l'espace. Grâce à eux, nous explorons notre passé, appréhendons notre présent et réfléchissons à notre avenir au travers de nos créations et actions culturelles.
Alphonse Allais
This Allais is well worth the detour...
Spring Selection of Poets
Creation: 2006
Design and interpretation: Eric Cenat and Patrice Delbourg
“The Belle Époque knew other men of spirit. But none of them has been able to keep such a clean style, without smudges, nor to leave to posterity such a personal work and face: icy, distinguished, imperturbable. The incises and digressions of Alphonse Allais are incrediblymodern. His killer narrative techniques announce automatic writingsurrealistand Oulipian alchemy. What is surprising about the Viking from Honfleur is that we almost never see the journey that made him arrive at one of his finds. His thoughts are not linked like those of everyone else, according to a banal protocol.
When leafing throughtales with a finger bent double, its greenness disconcerts. Nothing bland, purgative, no politically correct and well-meaning character that would emasculate the subject. Constantly the comedian is getting a new look, against the heritage of our popular gaudriole whose approximations are running out of steam from generation to generation.Constantly reissued, accommodated in all sauces, a hundred years later its durability remains strong. The silence after death was short. Purgatory, more or less.
Alphonse Allais
Not cursed, nor even greatly misunderstood, his taleshumorarc-en-ciel were successful during his lifetime. They disputed the newspapers in which he published the passions of his imagination. He was a periodic star of the paper of the same name. The surrealists included it in the list of Black Humor. The paperback celebrates it without restraint.
Alphonse Allais is a spirit that continues to shine every day in the sawdust of counters and conversations at the end of banquets. The Allais cow has a wide back! Fools take him for a pleasant traveling salesman… They don't know that he had a thousand timed explosive bombs in his suitcase. And that he remains above all a very great writer, endowed with a flawless, crisp and inventive language. Far from the soft-bodied entertainers, the pre-chewed savvy jokers, a thousand leagues from mercantile followership, Allais watches. Inch’Allais!”
Patrice Delbourg
An evocation of Alphonse Allais through short texts written and read by Patrice Delbourg thus revealing the multiple and eccentric facets of an extraordinary man and writer: modernity of style, technique gags, humor and melancholy, blood alcohol level, moral investigation...
Short stories and other short stories by Alphonse Allais read by Éric Cénat
- An unusual case it seems to me
- Collage
- Cap seller for love
- An invention
- To get to the bottom of it
- Absinthes
- Patriotism and religion
- The doctor
Alphonse Allais' aphorisms, thoughts, witticisms, protrusions read in “ping-pong” by Eric Cénat and Patrice Delbourg to music by Erik Satie.
Creation 2006
June 2006
Yourcenar's VillaSaint-Jans-Cappel(59)
Tour history
August 06, 2008
CCAS Center ofBeaufort(73)
August 05, 2008
CCAS Center ofMorillon(37)
August 04, 2008
CCAS Center ofThonon les Bains(74)
February 21, 2008
Library ofTrouville(14)
October 18, 2007
house of poetry Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines(78)
August 17, 2007
CCAS Center ofSuper Besse(63)
August 16, 2007
CCAS Center ofPleaux(15)
August 15, 2007
CCAS Center ofChilhac(43)
August 14, 2007
CCAS Center ofLavastrie(15)
August 13, 2007
CCAS Center ofPradelles(43)
July 04, 2007
Library ofLimoges(87)
January 18, 2007
media library'Orleans (45)
June 11, 2006
Yourcenar's VillaSaint-Jans-Cappel(59)
February 11, 2020
Gymnasium TheaterMary Bell atParis(10th)
December 02, 2019
Gymnasium TheaterMary Bell atParis(10th)
From January 25 to 28, 2017
The Thélème Stage atParis(17th)
November 24, 2016
Ia Thélème scene atParis(17th)
January 31, 2014
Town hall from the 2nd toParis
September 19, 2009
Performance hall atGriselles(45)
August 07, 2009
CCAS Center ofBalm the Ladies(25)
August 06, 2009
CCAS Center ofMetabief(25)
August 05, 2009
CCAS Center ofKayserberg(68)
August 04, 2009
CCAS Center ofMunster(68)
August 03, 2009
CCAS Center ofGerardmer(88)
April 28, 2009
remand centerOrleans(45)
August 08, 2008
CCAS Center of Thoirette (39)
August 07, 2008
CCAS Center ofAlso(73)