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      Cultural actions

Year 2019-2020    

Orleans-Saran (45)

Throughout the year...

Representation of dramatized readings

on the works of the following authors: Elie Robert-Nicoud, Bernard Chambaz, Emmanuel Ruben, Vincent Duluc and Ollivier Pourriol

Presence of each author at the end of the performances

ThenReading aloud course

Based on the book by Ollivier Pourriol "Praise of the Bad Gesture" with public performance in front of the other prisoners

Partnership with SPIP du Loiret, DRAC Centre-Val de Loire and AES

Director: Eric Cénat

Health crisis: canceled and postponed en  2021 because only two authors were able to be present

"Prevert Brotherhood"

In partnership with the SPIP of Seine et Marne

Speaker: Eric Cénat

Health crisis: the course has been canceled and postponed to 2021

Presentation of readings

"Letters from those shot 1941/1944"

"Germaine Tillion: Memory and Reason, 1954-1962"

Theme: Commitment to a better world

Theatrical readings with the actor

Éric Cénat and actress Claire Vidoni, followed by a debate

Partnership with ONAC

Then Reading aloud course: engaged poetry 

Partnership with SPIP 77 and DRAC Île-de-France

Director: Eric Cénat

Throughout the year...


"Self esteem"

Representation of the readings "Maux à mots" and "Germaine Tillion: memory and reason"

Theater workshopsand reading aloud courses (Poetry by Prévert) as part of therespect

Objective: to support prisoners in this new system where they have more freedom, to help them rehabilitate in society (attitude, situation, context, etc.) through theatrical practice and the enhancement of each person's abilities

Partnership with the SPIP of Seine-Saint-Denis

Speaker: Claire Vidoni

Health crisis: In 2020, 5 out of 16 workshops were able to take place. The other 11 workshops have been postponed to 2021.

Throughout the year...

Villepinte (93)




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