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Spring Selection of Poets

Creation: 2010

Design and interpretation: Eric Cenat and Patrice Delbourg

“Frédéric-Louis Sauser, better known under the pseudonym of Blaise Cendrars, was born in La Chaux-de-Fonds, on Swiss territory. Beret on the side, poached eyes, his ruddy face of illuminated advertisement for old calvados is not that of an academic troubadour: “I really have a dirty face. This pleases me”. First commentator of themodernity, he keeps writing on themovie theater, theremusic, therepoetry, les paintersde la Ruche and the drunkenness of Montparnasse.


Léger, Chagall, Braque, Delaunay, Modigliani surround him. He shares with visual artists the same simultaneous vision of a time in full mutation. It is no longer time for the artist to wander around as a witness to his time and to build a monument for generations to come. “Everything falls. The sun is falling. We fall next.” So make way for the poet, whose task is to say what is, to know how to decipher the signs of the story that is being written before our eyes, too concerned that they are for the moment, they risk not seeing themselves. profiling tomorrows.

His traveling biography passes through Saint-Petersburg, Buenos-Aires, Portugal,
Brazilabove all, his second homeland. He observes more than he lives misery: “
Where does this love of the simple, the humble, the innocent, the fads and the downgraded come from? This devil of Cendrars and his gray galurin are everywhere  both: Greenwich  Village, in Montmartre, in New York where Marcel Duchamp and Francis Picabia play the trappers of the 'avant-garde. His thirst  to confuse horizons is immense, the redundant choice of his books testifies to this: “At the heart of the world”, “From the whole world”, “The end of the world”, “take me to the end of the world". He extends his only arm (the other having been amputated on September 26, 1915 in the mud of the trenches) towards Negro art, towards Walt Whitman, towards the gold diggers in Alaska, the clear waters of Lake Baikal or the lands aléoutiennes.  Poetry is at stake everywhere, you just have to look outside to see it at work, pure musicality, orgiastic flavors, primers of movement. This is what he was already saying in the prose of the Trans-Siberian:


“All life is  just a poem, a movement. I am only a word, a verb, a depth, in the wildest, most mystical, most living sense”. -Blaise Cendrars


Patrice Delbourg


Blaise Cendrars
The wandering legend

Blaise Cendrars

An evocation of Blaise Cendrars through twelve short texts

written and read by Patrice Delbourg:

1- The call of adventure
2- The Trans-Siberian
3- Easter at  New York
4- The friendship of painters
5- The severed hand (1915)
6- The elastic poems
7- Brazil
8- Gold
9- Negro Art
10- Hollywood
11- Moravagine
12- Sewn mouth

Creation 2010

October 2010

Library ofFleury les Aubrais(45)



Tour history





March 20, 2012

French Alliance of Basel (Swiss)

March 19, 2012

French Alliance of Bern (Swiss)

January 13, 2012

Center Peguy inOrleans(45)

January 12, 2012

Library atAmboise(37)

December 11, 2011

Theater atWasquehal(59)

August 19, 2011

CCAS Center ofChorges(05)

August 18, 2011

CCAS Center ofBarcelona(04)

August 17, 2011

CCAS Center ofTourves(83)

August 16, 2011

CCAS Center ofSix fours beaches(83)

August 15, 2011

CCAS Center ofChin(06)

March 20, 2011

Villa Roche Brune inDinard(35)

October 15, 2010

Library ofFleury les Aubrais(45)


February 18, 2020
Marie Bell Gymnasium Theater inParis(10th)
October 07, 2016
The Meetings of History Festival inBlois(41)
November 30, 2013
Town hall from the 2nd toParis
March 23, 2013
Alliance Française Simferopol (Ukraine)
March 23, 2013
Alliance Française de Zaporozhe (Ukraine)
March 21, 2013
Alliance Française of Severodonetsk (Ukraine)
March 20, 2013
Alliance Française de Lugansk (Ukraine)
October 30, 2012
A prisonOrleans(45)
August 09, 2012
CCAS Center ofDives-sur-Mer(14)
August 04, 2012
CCAS Center ofPleaux(15)
August 03, 2012
CCAS Center ofSuper Besse(63)
August 02, 2012
CCAS Center ofSt Amand Roche Savine(63)

August 01, 2012

CCAS CenterThe Monastier(43)




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