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Czech Republic

Here we go again for a new edition!

This year the festivalFrankoscénywill be held from Thursday 27 to Saturday 29 April 2023 at the Theater of Pardubice.

Under the sponsorship of:

Vojtech Janyska




Nové frankofonni Scény

Nové Frankofonni Scény or New Francophone Scene, brings together the artistic activities of the Théâtre de l'Imprévu company in the Czech Republic for more than 15 years. The activities offered as part of this annual meeting are divided into three distinct stages:

The Frankoscény, European Francophone theater festival for Czech and foreign high school troupes.

The Read Aloud Contest, aimed at Czech high school and college students who practice French in a school setting.

Artistic workshops, in different high schools in the Czech Republic where it is possible to learn French.

After two years of uncertainty linked to the COVID-19 health crisis, this year 2022 has been placed under the sign of a new artistic impetus. The time had come to organize face-to-face events again, to bring together amateur and professional actors, to confront new stagings, new texts.


Year 2020

French-Czech bilingual reading creation

"To the Mysterious"

Based on poems by Robert Desnos

First performance: January 24, 2020 at the French Institute of Larissa in Greece

Design: Eric Cénat

Interpretation: Crisoula Christou and Éric Cénat

Creation accompanied by a series of training courses in reading aloud, provided by Éric Cénat, for French teachers

Partnership with the French Institutes of Greece (Athens, Larissa, Patras and Thessaloniki)

poetry in music

On original compositions by Sophia Alexandrou (Greek musician), Éric Cénat recorded in the studio in Athens, various poems by Aragon, Apollinaire, Prévert...

The recordings were posted on facebook

International Day of French Teachers

Facebook event "Our voices for the Francophonie"

Each French teacher recorded the poem of their choice. The Théâtre de l'Imprévu  produced the visual charter and piloted the publication of the various recordings.

Partnership with the French Institute of Greece

Design: Éric Cénat and Florence Saint Ygnan

Year 2019

Enchanted Mornings at the Institut français

Theme: Blue

Theme: The Francophonie Competition

Artistic director: Éric Cénat

Music: Sophia Alexandrou

Design: Florence Saint Ygnan

"Night of Ideas"

Theme: Happiness

At the Paris-Athens café of the French Institute in Athens

Choice and reading of poems by Éric Cénat during the program "Le Bonheur son haut-sous"

Partnership with the French Institute in Athens, Festival Longues d'Ondes in Brest

Artistic direction: Irène Omélianenko and Yorgos Archimandritis (France Culture)

Year 2018

Athens French Teacher Training

Reading aloud course

Partnership withFrench Institute of Athens

Speakers: Éric Cénat and Florence Saint Ygnan

31 days in poetry

Francophonie Days 2018

Every day in March, broadcast of a program (French and Greek poetic texts) on the airwaves of Athena Vox and relayed on social networks

Theme: Blue / Green

Projects carried out by students from Athens high schools supervised by their French teachers

Artistic director: Éric Cénat

Design: Florence Saint Ygnan

"The Prose of the Trans-Siberian"(Blaise Cendrars)

A performance at the French Institute in Athens on the occasion of the launch of the "Ifprofs Greece" platform

A performance at the Open University of Athens

Direction and performance: Eric Cénat

Training seminar

For FLE teachers and for students of the Open University of Athens

Theme: Empathy and intercultural awareness through cultural practices

Speakers: Joëlle Aden and Éric Cénat

Enchanted Mornings at the Institut français

Creation with students from five primary schools in Athens around Chantefables and Chantefleurs by Robert Desnos

Representation at the French Institute in Athens

Artistic direction: Eric Cénat

Design: Florence Saint Ygnan

Year 2021

Pedagogical discovery evening in Francophonie.

"Voicing, putting into play"

Implementation of workshops for reading aloud texts taken from the section of theFrench of the World.

Design & interpretation: Eric Cenat

In partnership with the French Institute of Greece (Athens)

Vocalization of tales by Pierre Gripari

As part of the International Francophonie Day, a voiceover was made by Éric Cénat for French teachers in Greece.

A creation accompanied by a series of training courses in reading aloud, provided by Éric Cénat, always intended for French teachers.

Design & interpretation: Eric Cenat

In partnership with the French Institute of Greece (Athens)

Closing evening of the month of la francophonie

Dramatized reading of texts and poems by Blaise Cendras.

Design & interpretation: Eric Cenat

In partnership with the French Institute of Greece (Athens)

The Francophone Car

As part of the mission of linguistic and educational cooperation and the dissemination of culture and the French language in Greece, the director Éric Cénat and professor Danaé Ioakimidis led a certain number of workshops with .s, students and teachers

Speaker: Eric Cénat and Danae Ioakimidis

In partnership with the French Institute  of Thessaloniki.

Année 2022

Année 2023

La Voiture Francophone

L’Institut français d’Athènes et l’Institut français de Thessalonique sont des partenaires privilégiés du Théâtre de l’Imprévu. Depuis plusieurs années déjà, nous sommes sollicités pour notre expertise sur la poésie francophone et la lecture à voix haute. Plusieurs rendez-vous autour de la formation à la lecture à voix haute ont ainsi été mis en place en début d’année avec le metteur en scène, Éric Cénat  et Danaé Ioakimidis

À cet effet, les deux intervenants ont animé 8 ateliers dans divers collèges et écoles primaires, (l’école française de Thessalonique ; le collège de Amyntaio ; le collège de Xanthi ainsi que le collège de Thassos). Ils sont aussi intervenus à l’Université Aristote de Thessalonique auprès d’étudiant.e.s en linguistique. Et ont également mit en place une formation pour des professeur.e.s de français au sein des établissements grecs.

Intervenant.e.s : Éric Cénat et Danaé Ioakimidis

En partenariat avec l'Institut  Français de Thessalonique.

Année 2024

La Flamme Francophone

Cette année en adéquation avec les Jeux Olympiques et Paralympique de Paris 2024, "la Voiture francophone" est devenue "la Flamme francophone". Les textes de cette année étaient issues du recueil Ça marche ! Et autres poèmes sportifs de François Gravel et Laurent Pinabel.

Ainsi, au cours du mois d'avril, Danaé Ioakimidis et Éric Cénat, ont animé 8 ateliers dans divers collèges et lycées à travers le pays (Athènes, Alexandroupoli, Volos, Kaval ou encore Thessalonique). Les élèves ont pu ainsi s'initier aux techniques de la lecture à voix haute.

Intervenant.e.s : Éric Cénat et Danaé Ioakimidis

En partenariat avec l'Institut  Français de Thessalonique.

Read aloud contest(via Facebook)

Theme: The poetry of Robert Desnos

In partnership with the Paris-IF Association of Ivano Frankivsk

A jury was made up of 5 members of the Théâtre de l'Imprévu - 34 participants were able to compete over four weeks and the winners received free French lessons as a gift

111 minutes and a few seconds in poetry

111 years of the French Institute of Greece

Broadcast of a series of programs (French and Greek poetic texts) on the airwaves of Athena Vox and relayed on social networks

Theme: Time 

Projects carried out by students from Athens high schools supervised by their French teachers

Artistic director: Éric Cénat

Design: Florence Saint Ygnan

Year 2020


Year 2019

Representation of the show

Boris & Boby

Ivano Frankivsk Regional Philharmonic

Partnership with the French Institute of Kiev 

As part of the "French Spring" event

Direction and performance: Eric Cénat and François Rascal


Representation of reading

"Prévert or the journey of words"

Regional PhilharmonicIvano Frankivsk

Partnership with the French Institute of Kiev 

As part of the "French Spring" event

Within the Paris IF association of Ivano Frankivsk

Direction and performance: Eric Cénat and François Rascal

Read aloud contest

Theme: The poetry of Jacques Prévert

Interventions by Éric Cénat and François Rascal in 5 colleges and high schools and at the University of Ivano Frankivsk

Organization of a final at the end of the performance "Prévert or the journey of words" at the Ivano Frankivsk Regional Philharmonic

The countries visited by the Théâtre de l'Imprévu




© 1986 - 2021 / Le Théâtre de l'Imprévu - All rights reserved - Show entrepreneur license: R-2020-006802

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