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How far to Bergen
based on the historical novel by Louis Francis (Prix Renaudot 1934)

Partners:Amicale de l'Oflag IIB-IID-XXIB, during a meeting of the families of prisoners at the Ecole Militaire in Paris, like the "Oflag Days" organized by their Fathers for many years after their feedback.

​Design and interpretation:Eric Cenat

Duration: 1 hour

This novel recounts the terrible march that theprisoners of Oflag IIBcarried out from January 29, 1945, then the horror felt during the discovery of the Bergen Belsen concentration camp.


Louis will return there several times to take several of his comrades there who, like him, will testify to what they saw there, the typhus epidemic in this camp being then terrible...


This is the camp where, among other things of course, the young Anne Franck was murdered.

Jusqu'à Bergen, par Louis Francis - Cie Le Théâtre de l'Imprévu




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