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Life and work of authors

"With the writer Patrice Delbourg, we proposed in June 2004, at the Limoges library, a first theatrical reading entitled:Antoine Blondinor the irony of sport, basing ourselves, in particular, on the colorful chronicles written by the author ofA monkey in winter  in L'Equipe magazine.

Two years later, at the Villa Marguerite Yourcenar du Montnoir (residence of European authors), we did it again with a second reading: This Allais is well worth the detour, a tribute to "Alphi", who published the trifle of 1700 tales, stories , express fables, olorimes or thoughts as well as dozens of recipes for cocktails, puns, zaniness, contrepèteries and logical remarks to the point of the absurd.

In February 2008, wishing to enlarge our "ideal library", we focused our attention and our affection on a poet of unclassifiable talent, a major figure of this artistically abundant inter-war period: Robert Desnos! We wanted to create the showRobert Desnos, the man who carried in him all the dreams of the world in the Czech Republic, in Prague and Pardubice,  not far from the Terezin camp where he died in 1945.

We then imposed another name for a creation in the fall of 2010, at the Fleury-Les-Aubrais library, in parallel with the creation of “des rails…”. The name of the man who said in the style of dear Albert Londres: "I do not dip my pen in an inkwell but in life", of the man who traveled the roads of the world, shaping his own wandering legend more and more every day...:Blaise Cendrars !

And after ? We are certainly not going to stop in such good company. Who should we choose to continue our walk through this literary primer? The letter J will be next… J like Jacob.Max Jacob, the poet of Saint Benoît sur Loire, the man of all exclusions, Picasso's friend who, according to legend, told him “you are a poet, live as a poet” thus triggering his vocation… Max Jacob: holy tightrope walker! was born in November 2012 at the Orléans Media Library…

This is how this original "lectotheque" project presents itself with these creations for today or tomorrow, accomplice and fraternal ping-pongs alternating selected texts by an author with biographical evocations..."

Éric Cénat, stage director and actor

The ideal library

Eric Cenat & Patrice Delbourg




© 1986 - 2021 / Le Théâtre de l'Imprévu - All rights reserved - Show entrepreneur license: R-2020-006802

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