Artistes - Éric Cénat, Claire Vidoni
Secrétariat général - Morgane Nory
Attachée de production - Clémence Grenat
64 Quai des Augustins - 45100 Orléans
Compagnie itinérante
portée par la Région Centre - Val de Loire, subventionnée par la DRAC, le Département du Loiret et la Ville d'Orléans
Créé en 1986 par Éric Cénat, Le Théâtre de l'Imprévu affirme sa démarche artistique en lui donnant une ligne autour des mots, ceux qui donnent du sens et nous inscrivent dans le temps et l'espace. Grâce à eux, nous explorons notre passé, appréhendons notre présent et réfléchissons à notre avenir au travers de nos créations et actions culturelles.
sports words

Artistic direction:Eric Cenat
Duration: 1h10

This creation builds a bridge between sport and literature, thus linking the great exploits of athletes to the beautiful pages of contemporary literature. The programming of this cultural meeting is articulated as much as possible with that of the "SoyezSport" weeks.
The sporting fact, beyond the simple result, is linked to society and history. But commented on or described by a quality writer, it touches all the more the heart and the spirit. A beautiful pen magnifies the feat, sensitizes the reader to the joys of the winner or the pangs of defeat. Through various extracts from novels are evoked the epic of the greens of 1976, the death of Ayrton Senna, the 10/10 obtained by Nadia Comaneci at the Montreal Olympics, Zidane's headbutt in the final of the World Cup, the exploits on the track of runner Emil Zatopek...
The reading is based on the writings of Vincent Duluc, Bernard Chambaz, Lola Lafon, Ollivier Pourriol, Jean Echenoz...
It is accompanied by photographic projections in an appropriate sound environment.
Dates à venir
Jeudi 27 février 2025 - Centre de détention, Joux-la-Ville (89)
Tour history
February 24, 2023
CCAS Center -Chamonix(74)
February 23, 2023
CCAS Center -Morillon(74)
February 22, 2023
CCAS Center -Megeve (74)
February 21, 2023
CCAS Center -La Ferriere(38)
February 20, 2023
CCAS Center -La Lechere(73)
October 19, 2022
CCAS Center -Montreuil(93)
July 22, 2022
CCAS Center -Belle-Ile-en-Seas(56)
July 21, 2022
CCAS Center -Mousterlin Fouesnant(29)
July 20, 2022
CCAS Center -Benodet(29)
July 19, 2022
CCAS Center -Plonevez-Porzay(29)
July 18, 2022
CCAS Center -Morgat(29)
August 18, 2021
CCAS Center -Aimargues(30)
August 17, 2021
CCAS Center-Vias Beach(34)
August 16, 2021
CCAS Center -Cap d'Agde(34)
August 15, 2021
CCAS Center -Tourves(84)
May 30, 2020
The meetings of Soulac -Soulac(33)