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The boars come out of the woods
​ based on the historical novel illustrated and produced by students from the Collège des Bordes - Éditions de l'Écluse

Jean lives with his parents in Bordes, a small village in the heart of his native Loiret. His life is the family grocery store, his friends Adrienne and Frédéric, the nearby forest. He was barely 17 when he saw his little daily life brutally disrupted by the sound of boots and an army of verdigris uniforms invading his country. We are in June 1940, the war is already lost. While an immense majority of French people, between dejection and resignation, bend their backs before the occupier, and abandon themselves body and soul to the good care of Marshal Pétain, a small minority rises in the dark, and dares to say No.


Very quickly the question of the choice for Jean will arise: resign himself... or refuse. Bend… or resist. Thus begins for him an extraordinary adventure, where courage and revolt will lead him to actions of which he would never have believed himself capable. Because Jean is not alone. It is in the heart of his forest, a stone's throw from his home, that resistantof the Lorris maquis are getting organized. The boars are hiding in the shadows, ready to fight, the Germans just have to watch out! A single objective:liberate France!


Co-production: Lorris Resistance Museum

​Design and interpretation:Eric Cenat

Duration: 1 hour

Traveling and autonomous exhibition on the Maquis de Lorris, available as a supplement

This illustrated novel was produced by 9th grade students from the Geneviève de Gaulle-Anthonioz des Bordes college, as part of the Resistance Club, under the direction of Benoît Momboisse, history teacher.
It traces the activities of
Maquis of Lorris. The authors worked with witnesses, studied archival documents in order to create a plausible and realistic scenario, while respecting the local historical context.






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