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Partners:National Resistance Museum

(Champigny-sur-Marne) and the Cercil - Memorial Museum

children from Vel d'Hiv (Orleans)

Design and interpretation:Eric Cenat

Duration :1 hour

From 1995 to 2001: more than 120 performances of the show Primo Levi and Ferdinando Camon: Conversations across France (directed by: Dominique Lurcel, with: Éric Cénat and Gérard Cherqui)



"At a time when the spectacular is everywhere, when the obligatory brevity of information strips it of all meaning, when every act is captured in the moment without reference to the past or extension into the future, it seems urgent to us to try to recognize ourselves there, to know ourselves perhaps. We believe, in fact, that there can be no identity without memory.

To restore the daily use of memory to a society that tends towards generalized amnesia: such is the task that we have set ourselves. Not to glorify the past butresist oblivion.





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In order to respond to the request of the National Resistance Museum of Champigny-sur-Marne, the Citizenship-Youth Association (93) and the CERCIL (Center for Studies and Research on Internment Camps in the Loiret) , I designed and imagined a one-voice reading of the works and words of Primo Levi. This reading is chronological, from his birth in 1919 to his death in 1987, the reader situating between each text read, the historical context of the time and thePrimo Levi's personal situation.


Our objective is to outline by the choice of texts, not only a silhouette of the man but also to make people want to read Primo Levi, all of Primo Levi... We can bear witness to his century without necessarily being a very great writer: this is not the case with Primo Levi. With him, lucidity, intellectual honesty and a constant happiness to write are combined: the -absolute- need to write stems from the concentration camp experience (He writesIf it's a manupon his return from Auschwitz), then persisted, diversified, tackled all genres, the essay, the story, the novel, the fantastic tale, the poem, and all subjects, in a refusal to specialize and a desire to see science and literature reconciled… (Primo Levi was also a chemist…) with always, as “landscape”,the memory of the camp, and the constant need for bear witness, analyze; need which leads, 40 years later, to his ultimate reflection, recorded inCastaways and survivors.


Éric Cénat, director and actor

Primo Levi
Lyrics and texts

Creation 2002

February 2002

National Resistance Museum ofChampigny sur Marne(94)

Tour history


August 10, 2005

Porto Veccio CCAS (Corsica)

August 09, 2005

Ajaccio CCAS (Corsica)

August 08, 2005

Albasarena CCAS (Corsica)


May 26, 2005Detention Center ofChateaudun(28)


May 09, 2005

Retirement home ofSt Michel Sur Orge(91)


May 03, 2005

College ofWells(45)

March 02, 2005

College ofLignieres(18)

December 02, 2004

Dunois College ofOrleans(45)

June 05, 2004

Media library ofSt Jean de la Ruelle(45)

December 18, 2003

Dunois College ofOrleans(45)

April 29, 2003

agricultural high schoolBeaune-la-Rolande(45)

April 08, 2003

Pothiers high schoolOrleans(45)

April 05, 2003

media libraryOisemont(80)


February 11, 2003

high schoolIngredient(45)

February 07, 2003

Library ofLimoges(87)

December 10, 2002Jean Moulin High SchoolSt Amand Montrond(18)

November 06, 2002

high school Beaugency (45)

September 19, 2002

media libraryOrleans(45)

June 08, 2002

College ofjargeau(45)


June 10, 2002

College ofBeaune-la-Rolande (45)

February 11, 2002M

worn out by the National Resistance ofChampigny sur Marne(94)


February 05 and 07, 2002

Library of Bobigny(93)

February 04, 2002

National Resistance Museum ofChampigny sur Marne(94)

October 08, 2019

Penitentiary Center ofSaran(45)

April 26, 2017


April 19, 2017


April 11, 2016

AGEFA CFA atPuteaux(92)

April 04, 2016

AGEFA CFA at Puteaux(92)

January 26, 2016

Penitentiary center ofMeaux(77)

October 24, 2015

Resistance MuseumBourges(18)

January 31, 2015

Town hall of the 2nd arr. ofParis

November 14, 2012

Armenian Heritage Center, Theater, atValence(26)

April 17, 2012

CERCIL Memorial Museum of the Children of Vel d'Hiv inOrleans(45)

September 14, 2010

Penitentiary center ofMelun(77)

December 12, 2008

Chamber of Commerce ofBelfort(90)

June 30, 2008

high schoolLyons(69)

April 22, 2008

Cinema of the quays ofBelfort(90)

February 25, 2008

French Cultural Center in Haifa (Israel)

November 18, 2007

Resistance MuseumLorris(45)

November 15, 2007

Deportation Center ofLyons(69)

May 04, 2007

Deportation Center ofLyons(69)

April 11, 2007

History CafeStrasbourg(67)

April 11, 2007

Memorial ofSchirmeck(67)

March 16, 2007

Library ofLa Ferte St Aubin(45)

October 29, 2005

town hallAmboise(37)

October 07, 2005

Municipal Library ofVineuil(41)

August 12, 2005

Borgo CCAS (Corsica)

August 11, 2005

Porto Veccio CCAS (Corsica)




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