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A life there
Creation 2021
Theater for young audiences from 6 years old - family audience

Une Vie, là-bas - Théâtre de l'Imprévu.jpg
Une Vie, là-bas - Théâtre de l'Imprévu.jpg

Five stages of a long journey...

How to talk to a child and comfort him

when faced with a complex and painful situation?

The story tells the journey of a Father and his Child, on the roads of a forced and uncertain exile.

Their objective: to join "the city 2.0", the city where everything will be better, the city of possibilities... The departure, precipitous and nocturnal, quickly gives way to transport, road and maritime difficulties. 

The Father, eager to reassure the Child, looks for apoetic escape. Flee the tangible by establishing a simple ritual:

"Every noon when the sun is at its zenith, when the stars align to give way to it»,

he will invent a story.

These little onestender and surprising tales, protective and paternal filters, punctuate the story and providehumorous and reassuring breaths.

Always trying to accept the unbearable, always and constantly… 

Until the day when both arrive at the gates of the city 2.0… where the poetic subterfuge is put to the test of reality. 

There remains one last hope: thanks to their creative forces, will the Father and the Child manage to touch the hearts of the inhabitants of the "city 2.0"?

Will the doors open? 

Text winner of the prize for the best children's play 2019

Theater Writers Associates

Published at

Editions Les Cygnes

November 2019

Dates à venir

Du 03 au 07 mars 2025 - Théâtre de Nouveautés, Tarbes  (65)
11 avril 2025 - scolaire - Théâtre Gérard Philipe de Meaux (77)
12, 13 et 16 avril 2025 - Théâtre Gérard Philipe de Meaux (77)


Affiche Laura générique.png

Une Vie, là-bas.

"2.0, ça veut dire nouveau et beau".

Échapper à l'anonymat qui fait écho

Aux vagues de protestation océanique.

Quand le dépaysement se fait poétique,

Le voyage commence de façon ludique

Pour l'oubli des affres d'un exil pathétique." ...



From Tuesday 16 to Friday 19 February 2021- 4 rep.

Gerard Philipe TheaterToOrleans(45)

Tour history

From March 27 to 28, 2022 - 2 performances

Donjon TheaterPithiviers(45).

March 2022 -2 performances

Berthelot-Jean Guerrin TheaterMontreuil(93)

March 2022-representations

Studio Theater / Paul Eluard Theaterstains(93)

From March 27 to 28, 2022 -2 performances

Donjon Theater inPithiviers(45)

From March 18 to 19, 2022 -2 school performances

The Gateway to Fleury les Aubrais(45)

Tuesday, February 8, 2022-1 performance

Jean Cocteau cultural center inmounts(37)

Thursday, January 20, 2022-2 school performances

Bertehlot Jean-Guerrin Theater inMontreuil(93)

Friday, January 14, 2022-1 school performance

Elementary school atVillemurlin(45)

Thursday, October 21, 2021-2 school performances

Espace Paul Eluard instains(93)

From October 15 to 17, 2021

Abbey Theater inSaint Maur des Fosses(94)


Artistic team

Text - Jacques Dupont 

Staging - Eric Cénat 

Artistic collaboration - Claire Vidoni 


The fatherJacques Dupont

The Child - Elisa Habibi

The Presence - Mary Millan 

Scenography and costumes - Charlotte Villermet

Light and photo creation - Vincent Mongourdin

Sound universe - Christophe Séchet

Set construction - Jean-Paul Dewynter et 

General mechanics

General management and tour - Nicolas Sochas or Mickael Fauchoix


The Gerard Philipe TheaterToOrleans(45)

The Malraux Space/City of Joué-lès-Tours(37)





Creation residencies

Gerard Philipe Theater ToOrleans(45)

Espace Malraux / City of Joué-lès-Tours(37)

Abbey Theater ToSaint Maur des Fosses(94)

Theater ofSaint Maur des Fosses (94)

Alloy toOlivet(45)

Production / Broadcast




© 1986 - 2021 / Le Théâtre de l'Imprévu - All rights reserved - Show entrepreneur license: R-2020-006802

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